I am a senior research scientist at Sony AI and external collaborator (previously assistant professor) at the Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering "Antonio Ruberti" (DIAG), Sapienza University of Rome. I am also a freelancer, helping and advising companies and start-ups that work on artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. You can find a list of my services here. Previously, I have been a research scientist at Cogitai and a research scholar at the Robotics Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University. Check my CV for further details.

My research interests lie at the edge between reinforcement learning, explainable AI, robot control and knowledge representation. For this reason, I founded the Knowledge, Reasoning and Learning Research Group, which I coordinate within the Cognitive Cooperating Robots Laboratory. With this group of people, as well previous and current colleagues both at Sony and Sapienza, I have published several scientific papers in some of the most renowned conferences and journals, including Nature.

Current and previous teaching activities are listed here.

If you want to talk to me please reserve a slot here for introductions, office hours or consulting services.

Roberto Capobianco
Senior Research Scientist @ Sony AI, AI Expert & Freelance Consultant


email: capobianco [AT] diag.uniroma1.it

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